Friday, March 18, 2016


 Zanna hovered next to the monstrous ear listening to the giant’s snores. She landed on the pillow crossing her arms sternly.  

 Her pointy eyes were thin slits, her nostrils flaring. She ruffled her tiny wings, something she always does when she is furious. Visions of the large child's cries would not cease. 

  The lifeless body is six feet under the ground outside. 

 Zanna took her tiny finger and poked at the squishy skin on his ear lobe. She balled up her fist and punched the lobe. The giant stirred. She hovered over the giants face "You're a monster, you must be stopped!" Her voice was tiny and squeaky. She spread her wings sprinkling pixie dust over the giants face.

  "ZANNA!" Shea entered the bedroom flying up behind her sister. "What are you doing?" 

  Zanna twirled around fuming, her long pale blue hair flipped behind her. "I cannot allow him to live! He will do this to another child! This is the only way to stop this,!" Zanna spat with fire in her eyes. 

  Shea ran both hands through her long white hair, something she always does when she is upset or in deep thought "Zanna, remember why father banished us from Arborea?    
 Zanna pointed her little finger at Shea, "I don't care about father, he banished us from our home! I will never forgive him for sending us to this horrible place. Human, what a bubble headed name for a creature. I would call them giants but that would be rather insulting to giants." She voiced. 

  Shea sunk down atop the giant’s round belly, hugging her knees. She ran her hands through her long white hair once more. Her violet eyes sank. "He banished us for harming others. Zanna, you can't do this. If father found out we are still using our powers maliciously he will never let us back in." Shea pleaded in a winy voice frowning. "I want to go home."

   Zanna looked at Shea with a tweak of sympathy, but immediately toughened up. "Yeah well I don't want to go home, I'm still mad at father. I don't want to see him right now. I doubt he cares at all!" 

  Zanna crossed her arms and turned back to the giant. Spreading her wings she sprinkled pixie dust over the human.

The human snored.

 Zanna turned towards Shea "I'm going to need your help with this, he's too big. My dust alone isn't powerful enough." 

Shea hovered over the man’s face studying him. "How does one become so round?"  

 Their other sister Ella flew into the room with the human’s pet parrot, Moonshine. "I've been chatting with Moonshine. He just told me well... you tell them Moonshine." Ella encouraged the bird.

  Moonshine squawked "He has been touching children for years. I've lost count on how many he has done this too. He's only recently started killing them. The man is out of his mind. If you can stop him, do it, and good riddance!" 

  Shea took one look at the human then back at Zanna "You’re right, but what if we didn't have to kill him? We can maim him; take his hands and his mating limb." 

  Zanna thought about this for a minute…

  "You're right, killing him would be too easy and fast, he must suffer. Come on sisters let’s do this!" 

  Ella, Shea and Zanna lined up in front of the giant and spread their wings. Each flap emitted heaps of pixie dust. Starting at the head they covered the entire body. 

 He awoke dazed and very confused. "Wha- whats going on?" The giant stood up from his bed, and walked out of the room heading for the kitchen. He had no control over himself. 

  Moonshine squawked. 

  "What the heck, how did you get out?" He walked into the kitchen, opened a drawer and took out a sharp butcher knife. With eyes as big as saucers he pulled down his pajama pants. His fingers took the tip of his penis, pulled it long and with the knife in the other hand quickly lopped it off. 

  The screams and blood erupted all over the place. The sisters were scrambling to find a way to stop the bleeding. The giant grabbed a towel and held it to the stump as hard as he could, to stop the bleeding.

  Moonshine squawked again.

  "We need to stop the bleeding; we don't want him to die." Zanna said. 

  Shea glanced around quickly for a solution. She spotted the knife on the floor and used her pixie dust to lift it; she directed the knife toward the stove top, turned the burner on and heated it until it was red hot. The knife started to move towards the human. 

  He tried to get up but could not. 

  Shea used her dust to remove the towel and the knife cauterized the stump. His screams could probably be heard for miles. 

  "Now...remove the monsters hands." Zanna demanded. 

  Shea used as much pixie dust as she could and was able to lop off both of his hands one after the other.

 More screams. 

  Just then, a few feet away a loud knock came at the front door. A muffled voice screamed from the other side "Yo Tony, what's going on in there?"

The door knob wiggled but the door was locked. Soon there was a loud bang. The man on the other side was trying to break in. There was a crash of broken glass and the man came in through the window beside the front door. 

  "Oh god man, what the hell happened?" The man put his hands on top of his head. He turned around, grabbed the telephone, and dialed.

"Hi yeah I need an ambulance right now. My friend cut off his hands, there's blood everywhere."

There was a pause. "405 South Henderson Ave and hurry!" The man ran over to Tony and tried to comfort him.

  "Let’s go, we can find a new house with new humans to play with." Zanna said in an elfish tone. 

  All three sisters turned to Moonshine nudging their heads towards the broken window. Moonshine shook his head. "I think I will stay. This is too good to miss." 

"Bye bye Moonshine, we will miss you." Ella said waving. 

One after the other all three sisters flew through the broken window, avoiding the sharp edges. Shea started to sink into the grass. “I feel weak; can we please find some food?”

“I don’t know what that monster was eating but it sure wasn’t food!” Zanna expressed. “Maybe we could find some berries or flowers.”

“Yeah it looked like flesh…and bones not was flesh and bones! Ella concluded with a look of horror. “They eat other humans! They’re cannibals!”

Zanna was comforting Shea when she looked up at Ella. “That is ridiculous! If he ate other humans then why would he bury the child without eating it?”

Ella’s bushy blue eyebrows shot up, “Oh, never mind.” She looked down in puzzlement.

“Ella will you go back inside and get Shea some water to hold her over?” Zanna asks.

Loud sirens approached, all three sisters jumped. Just then two vehicles with flashing lights pulled into the driveway.

Ella flew back into the house through the front door following the humans. She searched the house for something to put water in. She found nothing.        

The monster was whimpering while the humans in white coats worked on him. Ella flew up to the kitchen sink; thankful the humans could not see her. She cupped her hands under the faucet, a bead of water just the size for Shea dripped into her tiny hands.   

Moonshine squawked. “You gals need any help?”

“No thanks I got it. She just needs some water. She is a bit weak and we haven’t eaten in two days.” Ella flew outside.

Shea drank up the water and asked for more.

Ella got one more drop from the house. Moonshine flew out the front door beside Ella. With his feathery green wing he sprinkles something into Sheas hands, “It isn’t much but here is some of my bird seed.”

Shea gobbled it up. “Thanks Moonshine.” She said with a smile.




  1. I like is this meant for adults teens or children ?
